Hiroyuki ONEYAMA

Research policy and content

Our research fields are traffic engineering, road engineering, urban transportation planning, and urban traffic environment.What is common to all research fields is that the "exchange" of "people, things, information, and value" that is inevitably derived from human activities such as social activities and economic activities is called "transportation." We explore the essence of such movements and people's actions and behaviors, and plan and design urban public spaces, streets, roads, etc. as infrastructure facilities of society and cities as "places" that support this, and how to use them. Operation is the main subject of research.Of course, the background areas, cities, and system planning and design are also subject to research.Some of the main recent themes are:

  1. Research on road traffic capacity and quality of traffic services
  2. Research on driver's driving behavior
  3. Research on road traffic safety
  4. Research on Traffic Demand Forecasting and Demand Management
  5. Research on the environmental impact of road traffic
  6. Research on urban railway planning

The detail is here. for tips.

Master/Doctoral thesis theme

Accessibility evaluation of waterfront subcenter areas considering migration behavior
Influence of tracking behavior change on traffic flow by phototactic line-of-sight guidance system
Performance comparative analysis of signalized intersections with different light device positions
An empirical analysis of the effects of a phototactic visual guidance system on lane changes

Major Graduation Thesis Themes

A study on the effect of the installation position of signal lights on right-turn behavior
A DS experiment on the behavior of vehicles running in congested traffic focusing on the installation form of a phototactic visual guidance system
Comparative Study of Saturated Traffic Flow Rate Setting Methods Based on Observation Data
Lane Change Behavior Analysis Focusing on Driving Intention and Biological Response